Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Black Book

Charles Leland, 1884: "Nothing is so contemptible in Indian eyes as a want of dignity and idle, loquacious teasing; therefore it is made in the myth the sin which destroyed their race. The tendency of the lower class of Americans, especially in New England, to raise and emphasize the voice, to speak continually in italics and small and large capitals, with a wide display, and their constant disposition to chaff and tease, have contributed more than any other cause to destroy confidence and respect for them among the Indians."

Demetrios Latchis from Καστάνιτσα to Hinsdale, 1901.

"Saupoudrez les pommes de sucre et parsemez-les de noisettes de beurre."

John Abbot was in Jacksonborough, Scriven County, Georgia. "All traces of this old town have now passed away."

"Trust not in uncertain Riches, but in the Living God."

Odzihozo turned himself into Rock Dunder.

Scudder calls the endearing Lycaenid habit of rubbing together the hind wings a "presumed stridulation".

New Sweden 1638 at the mouth of the Delaware River.

Father John Babst on Indian Island, middle 19th century, a true christian.


William Wood on oysters in New England's Prospect: "This fish without the shell is so big, that it must admit of a division before you can well get it in your mouth."

Alewives, shad, salmon anadromous; eels catadromous.

Detroit Greeks: feather bowling.

Networking within the nationwide Indian entertainment industry of the late 19th century seeded the general Native American Consciousness movement of the late 20th century.

People not enjoying conversation; listening only in ego-tension and defensively; stopping up any gap with further self-babble.

Banana esters.

Dedham schoolyard: "An evil plot to kill Mr. Winters."

Fannie Hardy Eckstorm: "He would have broken all the commandments seriatim if that would have helped the logs along."

Kateri Tekakwitha's village was in present-day Ayriesville, NY. She moved to Caughnawaga in the 1670s. Venerable in 1943; canonized 1980.

The Presumpscot formation. Marine clay; blanket of fine-ground gracial silt. Tempered with rocks or vegetable fibre and worked into cookpots with dentate decoration and a pointed bottom so as to sit in bed of fire.

The alternate reality reigning in African cities where charitable organizations have sent the T-shirts that were printed up with the wrong Superbowl or electoral results.

Bruce: "I've come to be very much against zoos. The only thing I ever liked in a zoo, ever, was a seal in Pittsburgh one time."

In 1876 John Ross and his (Penobscot) West Branch Drive were contracted to take all the logs on the Connecticut from headwaters to Hartford during a severe drought.

Beethoven opus 132: Hurdy-Gurdy.

"I am death, who distributes the fruit of all action."

“Bessie Smith was the one Classic Blues artist to outlive the genre, the one artist whose work justifies the entire style.”

It is sown in Weakness
It is raised in Power

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