Monday, 21 September 2009

Country Music

Who're you?
I'm Marlowe.
It's my second name. Clarence Marlowe. Not my middle name, I don't have a middle name. I go just by Marlowe.
I play the guitar. I have that red one, that yaller one... Now see, I'm real country, you probably don't understand me. When I say yaller, I mean the color. I've got a Fender, a Gibson, I have seven guitars.
You waiting for someone?
I have a four wheel drive. Not everyone has one of those. A Ram Raider. It's not like a Bronco! It's a Ram Raider. It's like a Land Rover. I'm about to go to Philadelphia to get another. Another four wheel drive. Philadelphia, Mississippi. All that gambling out there, I might do a little gambling on the way.
Have you been married? Just asking.
Me? Yeuh, twice. It didn't work out like I wanted. Got a restraining order on her the second time.
We still see each other. Can't keep her away. But, I do what I want.
Did you come with someone? I don't want any trouble.
How old are you?
30, well you're still pretty.
Are you taller than me? I like ladies that are tall and slim and pretty, not fat like me.
Me? I'm 20. No, 30. Well, I'm in my 50's.
This is my telephone right here. I keep it in here. Do you have one? My number's 535-7070.
Just sayin. It's an easy number.
These guys think they're so good but they're not. They think I want to play with them but I don't want them. My brother, he was the best player around.
There was a girl once here. She was going with another guy and then she was going with me and then she said she was going with someone in Tuscaloosa but it turned out it was that other guy and he stole $285 from her but she took him back, but she said to me I want you and I said well I don't want you, and I didn't. I didn't want her.
He thinks he's the boss up there, telling us not to play. Well then, I'm not playing, for the rest of the night. Used to be nobody could beat me. Also, that other guy up there, Buddy, he was the best around but now he has arthritis.
I've got blood pressure.
I like you, you're like me, you just say whatever you want.
I sell cars and tractors, a little bit of this and that.
Hey Butch.
You seeing him?
I have no vices. I don't smoke, I don't drink. Only one vice- flirtin, that's right.
I've gotta take my medicine. Wait, no, where you going, wait a minute, I've just gotta take my medicine.

1 comment:

Jophet Garmon said...

Junk stores, old swedish postcards, good clean fun